
Member for
6 years
User ID
  • Flower Farm
  • Vegetable Gardens
  • Sightseeing Business
  • Mini Hotel or Pension
  • Restaurant
  • Knowledge of General Farming
  • Vegetable Farming
  • Grape Orchard
  • Berry Orchard
  • Herb Growing
  • Flower Farming
  • Using Your Own Seeds
  • Making Mountain Paths
  • Forestry and the Use of Timber
  • Opportunities to Study Japanese
  • How to Cook Generally
  • Hot Spring
Not applicable
We have an organic attitude of sorts, but we do not go out of our way to be organic or alternative, rather, we do what suits us at the time

生活: 毎朝7時半に全員でレストランに集まり みんなで朝食をつくります。 朝食の片付けが終わったら 9時からお手伝いが始まります、 お昼の食事を作る人は、11時半から準備を始めます。 12時から 昼の食事をとり、1時から お手伝いを始めます。 片付けを担当してる人は、1時半から お手伝いを始めます。 4時には手伝いが終わります。 いらっしゃった。次の日から 週1 休みがあります。 自由な時間には、電動自転車で美瑛のいろんなところを回ることができます。 せっかくこちらにいらっしゃって いるので 思い出に残る出会いにしたいです。お互いを思いやり、お互いに感謝する気持ちを 第一に大事にしたいです。出会いを喜び会い お互いの感謝で、 心が満たされる 場所にしたいです。 素敵な出会いをお待ちして おります。 リフォーム 、 建築、家具プロの方大関係します。

冬:大掃除・雑貨整理・薪運び・ペンション 、コッテージのメンテナンスと改善

春: 草取り、畑と花の手入れ・ 花. イチゴ、野菜の植え替え
ペンキ塗り ログハウス 森の中のキャンプ場を作ることも 考えています。春 と秋 建築経験のある人を大歓迎しています。

夏:(お客さんで忙しい時季)接客・ 部屋の掃除、レストランの手伝い・草取り.ペンキ塗り、

秋:(お客さんで忙しい時季)夏と同じ接客仕事・畑の収穫・草取り . ペンキ塗り 、部屋の掃除

冬の準備 10月半ばから11月半ば: 果物と野菜の収穫、薪割り.薪運び. お花の冬かこい
We are looking to create a space that values harmony and balance with nature.

Lifestyle: We will meet in the eating area every morning at 7:30 a.m. to prepare and eat breakfast together. During this time we will talk about the days activities and reflect on the previous day. Once we have eaten, we will clean up then begin our work day around 9:00 a.m. Typically we will only work for 2-3 hours then we will meet to prepare lunch all together have a similar process as breakfast. Meals are meant to be prepared together, cooking and clean up is a convivial moment. Our work day will typically be done by 16:00/17:00 p.m. depending on how long the the lunch break was. The rest of the day will be spent sight seeing, relaxing and preparing dinner.

I want to prioritize caring for each other and taking initiative in every way possible. It is important to me that we are grateful for one another, take genuine interest in understanding each other, and show mutual respect for the differences which may occur in our cultural backgrounds. If you are someone who likes to work hard, learn about a new lifestyle, and loves to explore then this is the place for you!

I am currently in need of wwoofers who have experience with building, painting, furnishing, and renovating/interior design, if you have any experience in these fields you are most welcomed as I am looking to renovate a large basement area.

Different seasons will mean different work activities. Work by season will be as follows:

Winter: cleaning inside the home and cottages, moving around firewood, organizing tools and other miscellaneous items, and other improvement projects. It's a very relaxed month and for that reason only 2-3 people can stay at a time.

Spring: Weeding, Caring for my flower fields and vegetable garden, and replanting. I have many log homes and small buildings that need to be painted as well. I have many plans for new buildings and attractions like a sauna, pizza oven, hot tub and more. So if you have any knowledge or experience in construction or working with machinery this would be greatly appreciated.

Summer: This is our busiest season as many guests come around this time. Wwoofers should expect to interact and help with customers, harvest fields, weed, paint, and clean rooms.

Autumn: Preparation for winter from mid-October to mid-November. During this time the main work needed to be done is harvesting fruits and vegetables, chopping and transporting firewood, and taking care of the flowers.
  • General diet including meat and fish
  • We cook mainly Japanese meals
  • We cook various international meals
  • We usually cook homemade meals
  • We never eat pre-made foods from supermarkets and department stores
  • We never buy obento (lunch boxes) at convenience stores and supermarkets
  • We never eat fast food such as McDonald’s and KFC, etc.
When we have a party or an event, we might drink with WWOOFers but these occasions are not so often
No, nobody smokes
  • In a tiny village in a mountain area
  • Mixed area of farming and residential houses
  • Outside the town
  • Near the mountains
  • On a hill
  • Quiet place
Our home and our workplace are situated at the same place or very close to each other and so the atmosphere stated pertains to both our home and our workplace
Within 1ha (100 a)
  • Large House
  • Two Story House
-5℃ ~ -15℃
  • Cat
  • All Year Round
  • Almost All Year Round
  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December
  • A Few Weeks
  • 3 to 4 Weeks
  • A Few Weeks to a Few Months
  • A Few Months
  • More Than a few Months
  • 6 Months to One Year
  • For Long Stay Only
  • The period will be determined depending on our workload
  • The first 1 to 3 days will be a trial period. If we feel that the WWOOFer is not suited to our place, the activities we do and the people we are, then we ask them to leave
Up to Ten
20 to 50
  • 2 friend WWOOFers of the same gender
  • 2 friend WWOOFers of different gender
  • A group of friends WWOOFing together
  • A couple who are WWOOFing together
  • A wife and husband couple
  • Siblings WWOOFing together
It is not possible
  • Any gender
  • Single WWOOFer
  • Not single WWOOFer
  • A wife & husband couple, or a couple
  • WWOOFers of any age
  • In their 20s
  • In their 30s
  • In their 40s
  • In their 50s
  • In their 60s and over
  • We prefer WWOOFers who can speak Japanese
  • We welcome all nationalities
  • WWOOFers with absolutely no farming experience are welcome
  • WWOOFers who like nature
  • WWOOFers who can cook
  • WWOOFers who can cook meals by themselves at the Host
  • WWOOFers who like doing house chores, for example cooking, cleaning and washing
  • WWOOFers who can clean rooms
  • WWOOFers who like outdoor sports
  • WWOOFers who are interested in doing the same activities as our trainees and our staff
  • WWOOFers who can talk to people well and serve our customers and guests well
  • WWOOFers who can do carpentry
  • WWOOFers who can use computers
  • Active WWOOFers
  • Cheerful WWOOFers
  • WWOOFers who like talking to people
  • Funny WWOOFers
  • WWOOFers who have a happy smile
  • Honest WWOOFers
  • Responsible WWOOFers
  • Independent WWOOFers
  • WWOOFers who have aspirations
  • WWOOFers who can be patient
  • WWOOFers who can be cooperative
  • WWOOFers who can undertake activities without supervision
  • WWOOFers who are interested in producing quality outcomes
  • WWOOFers who can learn things with the Host together
  • WWOOFers who can get up early in the morning
  • WWOOFers who have no dislikes about eating and food
  • WWOOFers who do not dislike insects
  • WWOOFers who can be fine with humid hot summer
  • Healthy WWOOFers
  • WWOOFers who do not have dust allergy
  • General farming
  • Weeding
  • Gathering grass
  • Harvesting
  • Sprinkling chicken droppings
  • Watering
  • Thinning out flowers / small fruits
  • Chopping wood
  • Carrying logs
  • Maintaining forest in the mountains / bush
  • Cleaning
  • Collecting garbage
  • Producing charcoal
  • Cooking
  • Washing the dishes
  • General housework
  • Making flower gardens
  • Maintaining tools & equipment
  • Building houses
  • Repairing houses
  • Painting
  • Computer related
  • Helping with office activities
  • Helping with shop activities
  • Meeting / engaging with guests & customers
  • Washing
  • General living and accommodation related activities
  • Shoveling snow
  • Pruning trees
  • Making herbal products
We are trying to give WWOOFers 6 hours a day, however, it may increase or decrease depending on the activities we are doing
  • In a room in the house where the Host family live
  • In a house separate from the main house
  • Using a Japanese futon
  • Using a bed
  • One room for two WWOOFers
  • One big room for several WWOOFers
  • Usually with the Host
  • Normally WWOOFers cook food for themselves using ingredients we give
It is not possible
  • No
If we do not have any language barriers, we have time to communicate with WWOOFers
  • Yes
  • Yes, to a certain degree
  • WWOOFers do not need to speak Japanese now but they have to have a will to learn Japanese
  • Japanese
  • Korea
We run a pension and a restaurant surrounded by beautiful flowers and forests. Let's work and have fun together!
うちのペンションは2004年に建てられた、美しい木造家屋です。有名な四季彩の丘をはじめとする美しい花畑に囲まれています。 春と夏になると、周りの野原は柔らかな色彩の美しいパレットになり、世界中から観光客が訪れます。

敷地も拡大中です。 ゲスト用に新しく建てられたゲストハウス (コテージ) と、もうすぐに稼働する予定の生鮮食品/スナックの小さな店舗があります。

建設や大工の経験があるWWOOFersは、敷地の設計/計画を支援するために来てたら大歓迎です! コテージやゲストハウス、森の中のミニ キャンプ場をさらに追加したいと考えています。興味のある WWOOFers は、掘削機などを使って拡張の基礎を築くことができるかもしれません。

冬は雪が多く、丘は雪原となります。 向かいにはスノーモービルパークもあります。 冬は暖炉を使って家を暖めます。


冬にでも、たまにお客さんが来るので、料理を作ったりすることもあります。 現時点、知り合いははコテージに小さな食品/スナックショップの開店準備をしているので、ウーファーさん達にもそこを手伝わせて頂きます!

1 日の作業は大抵下記のようになります。
- 7時か8時に起きて、朝食をとる
- 朝のお散歩 (時間があれば・WWOOFersの興味次第)
- 作業に入る(休憩を含めて)
- 仕事はほとんど日没頃までに終わりますが、その日の仕事の量やレストランに顧客がいるかどうかによって異なります。
- 夕食の後は通常自由時間です

夏(5月~8月)は大変混み合います。 美瑛は世界的に有名な観光地なので、たくさんのお客様がいらっしゃいます。 ウーファーは主に、レストランの手伝い、接客、部屋の掃除、ベッドメイキング。 WWOOFers にも花畑の世話をさせて頂きます (美しい花がありますよ!写真をご覧ください!)

バーベキュー ピット、庭のパビリオン、キッチンのすぐ前にある、丘上のブランコ、とテントがあります。

WWOOFers は毎週 1 日お休みをとります。 うちの電動自転車を借りて、周りの野原を巡ったり、近くの温泉に行ったり、ハイキングに行ったり、近くの町(富良野、美瑛)を訪れたりすることができます。

Our pension is a beautiful wooden house, built in 2004. It's surrounded by beautiful flower fields, including the famous Shikisai-no-Oka. In spring and summer, the fields are beautiful palettes of soft colour, and visitors from all over the world come to visit.

We're also in the midst of expanding our grounds. There is a newly built guesthouse (cottage) for our guests, as well as a small storefront for fresh food/snacks that will be operational soon.

WWOOFers that have experience in construction and carpentry are very welcome to come and help design/plan the expansion of our grounds! We hope to add more cottages/guesthouses, as well as a mini campground - interested WWOOFers might be able to work with our excavator etc. to build the foundations for expansion!

During winter, there is a lot of snow, and the hills become snow plains. There is a snowmobile park right across the road. We use a fireplace to warm the house in winter.

In winter there is lots to do like shoveling snow, cleaning, preparing the cafe and restaurant area for spring, carrying logs and more!

Sometimes guests will come so we prepare food for them and serve them in the restaurant. At the moment, our friends are preparing to open a little food/snack shop at the cottage so you can come and help out there.

A day of work usually looks like this:
- waking up at 7 or 8 and have breakfast
- go for a walk to get ready for the day (only if WWOOFers are up for it, and only if we have the time -- otherwise, we skip the walk)
- doing the tasks at hand (together with other WWOOFers) including breaks with tea, biscuits
- work usually ends around sunset, although that can vary depending on how much work there is for the day, and whether there are customers in the restaurant
- after dinner, it's usually free time for everyone in the house

In summer (May-August), it is very busy. We have lots of guests, because Biei is a world-famous tourist destination. WWOOFers will mostly be helping out with the restaurant, serving customers, cleaning the rooms, making beds, and helping guests with whatever they need. WWOOFers will also be tending the flower farm (we have beautiful flowers, please take a look at our photos!)

We have barbecue pits, a pavilion in the garden, a huge swing held by two strong trees right in front of our kitchen window and a tent to sleep outside in when it is warm.

WWOOFers will have one day off every week. You can borrow our electric bikes and ride around the fields, go to the nearby hot springs, go hiking or visit the nearby towns (Furano, Biei).

I will also try my best to show you the beautiful scenery of Biei by car!
WWOOF Japan LLP (Limited Liability Partnership)

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